CRank: 5Score: 1040

These neanderthals can't really appreciate the finer things, like cooking. They probably eat hot pockets while playing their ultra-violent shooters.

You'd think people who play games a lot would appreciate something new and different, and welcome developers that stretch our ideas of games, but I guess not. Cooking Mama fvcking rocks, period.

Since you haters are the ultimate critics, please be patient with those of us who have no taste in games.


6002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear to god you guys are like a bunch of bullies on the playground. Believe it or not, people come to this site to read some news (I know, not many) and maybe catch a well thought-out comment (I know, even less) or two. While it may be fun for a group of console elitists to bash consoles on the internet, though I can’t for the life of me imagine why, it really makes you look like tools, I promise. Especially when you pepper your terribly witty comments with tired, elementary school adjecti...

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Irony has to do with things happening opposite to what was expected, in a funny way. How is it ironic that a news service reported news?

Does anyone really think the relatively small company of Nintendo searches all the news stories and approves them before they go out? Gimme a break.

I've got some irony for you: Wii and PS3 come out, and the wii gets knocked for low specs, but sells out at an affordable price, yet nobody will buy the PS3 supersystem, because it'...

6011d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ nuerotoxin:

I've got a better rant! Dude, have you ever seen the word 'tieing' anywhere? No you haven't, because it doesn't exist. it's 'tying'. Just like it's 'dying', and not 'dieing'.

What the fvck happened that people can't spell beyond a second grade level? When trying to make a witty little joke, you only look like a tool when you can't spell the simplest words properly. Do you still have your teeth?

Lay off the video games and read a fvcki...

6023d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahah! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha! cough! cough! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha h ahahahahahahahahahahaha!

O.K. go back to wiibashin'.

6064d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is why I gave up on this site. You can’t even have a rational conversation with anyone. I do see some intelligent posts, but they’re few and far between, especially regarding the wii. It’s like arguing about religion with someone. You try to be objective, look at both sides, remain impartial, and you still get: “but Jesus is lord”.

I enjoyed Nintendo products as a kid, and later on I picked up a gamecube. Nintendo approaches games differently, and it’s what I usually like....

6104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are right? Or are you seriously one of those f*cking @sshole parents that try to shelter your kids from anything thats not the picture perfect storybook existence? Oh no, my kids might wonder what "bisexual" means and ask me a question and I'll have to explain it. I hate parents like you, you're part of the problem.

6135d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not saying the PS360- graphics aren't better than wii, of course they are. I'm sayin' they're still not all that great. I have yet to really see something that makes me go "holy sh!t, is that a picture or a video game?"

It's just funny that everyone talks about overhype on the wii, when none of this sh!t is really living up to the hype either, knock the wii all you want, I won't cry. Just tryin' to have a conversation.

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha, everyone always talks about the wii being a fad, but y'know, the other systems have overhype as well.

Funny thing is, while I have seen some pretty pics of the games, most of it doesn't look that great. GTA almost looks like sh!t. I think the vastly improved graphics aren't really all that vastly improved. The people still look like f*cking robots; at least with cartoony graphics, it's easier to suspend disbelief.

I was on a thread the other day, and some...

6139d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. it's fun

2. most people don't give a $hit about graphical ability

3. it's fun

4. you're a douche

Seriously, what is you guys' problem? why must it all be negative reasons why it's winning? i would call you a sore loser except... YOU DIDN"T LOSE ANYTHING. at least be a phucking adult about it. we all know you don't like the wii, can you at least say something somewhat positive about it, or are you that pissy because some imagi...

6142d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They’re totally in competition with one another, that why when you go to gamestop or whatever, they are (supposed to be) on the shelf right next to the others, that shouldn’t be a question to anyone. It’s an electronic machine and it plays video games, right?

I will agree, however, on the obvious fact that the wii is trying to reach a broader, slightly different base, though. Instead of the techie guy that wants all media on one device, the TOY COMPANY that has been a TOY COMPA...

6142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you're going to be a huge d!ck about it, it's IN bred, not imbred. phucking ret@rd! Maybe you'd know that if your mommy and daddy weren't brother and sister. Why do you have to be such a sh!thead?

Doesn't really matter what all you people afraid of the wii say, it's kicking a$$ and no one can stop it. Just because you guys don't like it, doesn't mean it's no good. Just look at the numbers, read 'em and weep!

6147d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I been trying to tell these fools to be patient but nooooo. What would be even cooler is if there was no distinction between "hardcore" and casual. I mean what the fuq does that say for all the people in between? What if I played casual games all day everyday and nothing else? Would I then be a hardcore casual gamer? Or what if I FPSed only once a week? Would I then be called a casual hardcore gamer? Labels are for cans, not mans.

My opinion? I think the cooler games ...

6149d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

shut the phuck up and go play your games.

Jesus, I've been a member of n4g for like 5 months and I am amazed at how you guys never tire of this $hit.

Reggie doen't play games I'll bet $500 on it, it's just strategic pr bull$hit, get over it!

That being said, i am ready for a really great game to hit the wii, but we all know it's coming. i agree in that i really don't want a console for downloading movies. at all. nintendo has said, ad nauseum, tha...

6154d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

guess I'm an anomaly, but my wii gets regular play. AND i like the Nintendo wii as well. Granted, I'm not one of those that need a new game every week, but guys, simmer down. we have all read about many devs devoting entire teams to wii stuff. we've all read about devs being caught w/ their pants down in the beginning and rushing ports and stuff, i think it's a bit early. patience. e3 is here, i think some stuff may be unveiled to renew some people's optimism. i know nintendo likes to release...

6157d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

now you've gone and made me feel bad. sorry, i just really hate 'nuff said for some reason.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

'nuff said

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

STOP SAYING NUFF SAID! I HATE IT AND IT SOUNDS RETARDED! (and by the way, the apostrophe signifies the missing characters e.g. 'nuff said, not "n'uff said". But I'm sure since you think that is a witty response, you wouldn't know anyway.

6161d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're talking about gamers not being racist, but in the same post use the word f@ggots. Nice. That's just as bad, bigot.

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop saying -nuff said, you unoriginal piece of sh!t? You sound like a redneck or a pro wrestler with stupid colloquialisms like that. I phucking hate these tired ass comments. What next, are you going to start your post with: ummm... to sound like a smug little dork? Oh, I know, are you going to talk about whatever console "collecting dust"?

I would love it if trolls or whoever would at least take the time to try to sound relatively intelligent as opposed to recyclin...

6163d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment